Monday, August 13, 2007

Wow, What a Morning

We have a Dominoe effect that goes on here sometimes ... as if defiance is contagious.

It started when I asked Rand to give Tony a ride to therapy and apparently Rand decided he needed to hit him, sending Tony spiraling. It led to a stuck on stupid episode with Jimmy that isn't over, and Sadie getting to a tiff. In the middle of it all, some kids mom called saying that she didn' t appreciate Salinda calling her son at 2 a.m. I explained that Salinda had lost her phone privlileges, but that she had been at a friend's house last night and that I would talk to her.

Then MIke showed up for lunch and decided to start an argument with me.... which I told him would not be smart. He still isn't getting a job and we're just kind of letting him run things only doing what he asks us to do.

But everyone picked a bad day to mess with me. I'm large and in charge, despite of my continuous coughing. This isn't a good day for me to be messing.

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