Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Don't read if you have a weak stomach

(this picture has nothing to do with the post -- just a picture from 2000 that's kinda cute). It was SO hot that day.

I survived everything that happened today and I'm feeling OK.....

Everyone here seems to be ok..... although bedtime gets a little harried.

I'm going to share a story that is pretty gross, but just shows that kids with attachment disorders are quite narcissistic.

As you may know, I had weight loss surgery. I have a blog about it that i never update because it's an embarrassing deal. But sometimes it works. Not often, but sometimes it does.

So, today I'm at the table and it decides to work after a few bites going down wrong and this dumb cough that I have decides to kick in at the same time, and so for the first time in my life I actually upchuck and the vomit is in my hands and I can't get up because i'm trapped against the table.. so I ahve to throw up in a bag. I have spaghetti nearly coming out of my nose and the whole episode combined with my stress-induced incontinence makes me pee all over myself. Obviously, I'm quite miserable -- my nose is burning, my throat hurts, I'm wet....

And one of my children comes to me crying and screeching, "I can't believe you throw up at every meal. It is so gross. It ruins everything. You are so d**** gross."

ANd I point out that possibly since I was the one who was throwing up and coughing that maybe I was the one people should be feeling sorry for.

But he just didn't get it.

I'm not even going to tell Bart that I blogged this. When he reads it he may very well be embarrassed that I chose to share this. So, to make up for the embarrassment, I'll give him a few readers by letting you know that he blogged about self-differentiation today and it's really good.

And yes, we have to have matching washer and dryer. So our washer broke today and joined our broken dryer and we have a matching set.


  1. oh claudia, bless your heart. i, too, suffer from stress incontinence. that alone gives you my heartfelt sympathy. the rest of it, bless your heart.

  2. Oh Claudia, how dare you ruin every single meal by doing that! I'm sure it's going to get around now that the kids can't eat because of you! Because you pee your pants every dinner time! No wonder your kids act the way they do--it's your parenting! I'm sorry, dang kids. We never get a break do we. You're a brave woman to share this and I can just see Bart shaking his head! Ha Ha I hope you truly are feeling better soon.

  3. Okay. This is a mental image I'm going to try and erase. :P
