Thursday, August 16, 2007

Taking Some Risks

Bart, Rand and I all hve busy days. I have to give a training all day, Bart is visiting a sick parishioner, finishing paperwork, and getting ready for a camping trip with the kids. Rand is volunteering at the blood mobile.

So we are having to leave the kids somewhat unattended. A couple PCAs wil be putting a few hours, but it's still not as covered as I'd like it. And Mike keeps stopping by, an he isn't supposed to do that when we aren't here, but none of the kids would stop him if he did...

So I'm feeling a little stressed out. Plus Salinda needs rides two and from tennis multiple times today....

and I can't find my left shoe.

Hoping to report that we survived the day once it's done.

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, I blog about 'gross' bodily events too. Kids are hypersensitive about stuff like that. Let it just be water off a ducks back. We have a right to our feelings.

    Teen girls....arrrggghhhh.....yeah, your Salinda sounds like our Samantha - who now lives with her mother, she basically got a free runaway from home card, because when she started getting consequences for her disobedience, she pulled out the "I'm gonna go live with mom" trump card. and now we are pretty much non-speaking. can follow the myspace link on my page and look for the kid in my friends currently going by "Sam---Tatted" on myspace right now. Yes, her mother bought her a real tattoo for her 17th birthday, she got her belly pierced for her 16th. Theres not alot you can do once they make up their minds to openly rebel. Hopefully, once we all come out the other end, we'll do so with our relationships with these wayward teen girls intact.
