Friday, August 10, 2007


As you know, I've been really struggling and living in quite the fog. Not like me to be so down and so sick for so long. I just didn't see much light at the end of my foggy tunnel.

But last night, when my stress was relieved about many things, I actually felt some hope. And then, I didn't cough all night. In fact, last night, I started thinking about things I wanted to get done and stuff that was coming up and I got excited to the point that I couldn't fall asleep.

Finally. I've been waiting for this day for too long.

So, as you know from Bart's blog, today is Friday Fletcher Family Fun Day and he is taking the kids to a couple county fairs. I'm going to do a homestudy update visit this morning.

Am excited that I get to mess around with the new ILife that I ordered which should be here any day.

SO, things are looking up. I sort of feel like I've been climbing up a huge mountain during this illness where all I could see where the rocks in front of me, and I've crested the top and once again can see how beautiful the view really is.

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