Friday, August 10, 2007

LIving with FASD even When You Don't Have it

I usually blog about Mike not out of frustration any more, necessarily, but to let people know what it is like to be the parent of an adult with FASD -- up close and personal.

He worked yesterday for a couple hours and got a check. He called about 12:30.


yes Mike.

Do you want to pick me up and take me to my apartment to get my check and then we can go to the bank and cash it and then have some lunch?

No Mike, I don't. (attempting to practice tough love) I explained to you that i will give you rides to look for a job. You do not seem interested in that. I do have a job and that is what I am doing right now. I do not want to take you to cash your check because I think you should save that money to pay your court fine so you don't have to go back to jail at the end of the month."

Oh, OK. He basically hung up.

Yesterday his older brother, our son Kyle, agreed that he could borrow his bike as long as it was back today by five. So, at three Mike calls the house.

"Do you think you could send Rand to pick up Kyle's Bike?"

"No, Mike, you agreed that you would bring the bike by 5:00. It is your responsibility to do that, not Rand's."

"well, I'm all the way over by ________ (about 2 miles from here at the most)."

"Even if you walk the whole way you have time to get it back here."

"oh well, never mind. I'll just call Kyle later."

"well, I'm not getting involved. This is between you and Kyle. But I know he wanted the bike back today."

Again, he hung up. It's after five. The bike is not here. Kyle will be here soon and he will not be happy.

Minor irritations, but the complete lack of responsibility is incredibly annoying.

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