Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Theory About Why a Lot of Kids is a Good Idea

People who have one or two kids don't have good odds. Let's say I had two kids and one of them was causing me as much grief as Salinda is right now. I would feel like I was getting a 50% on my report card. If the other kid was acting like Mike, I'd be getting a zero.

Or, what if I only had one kid and that one kid was completely rebelling? A big fat ZERO.

Instead, we're at about 80% right now, which is a B-. I can live with a B-.

My biggest challenge at the moment remains how to not take things personally when I've had so little sleep.


  1. Great Point Claudia. Nice to see your and Barts Blog Hope you don't mind the comment. Its like Bill COsby says... When you only have one child your really not a parent. You don't have to deal with things like "Will you stop touching me!" "Mom/Dad would you tell him to stop touching me! "
    If you have that going on and you only have one child you have to send it away.
    Have a good day!
    Chris Pine - Father of 4 about to add one more.

  2. LOL I thought the reason to have many children was to keep each other entertained, to do all your housework, and help you make friends. (according to my kids anyway) I had no idea it was to balance out your other energy draining children so you don't look and feel like a failure.
