Tuesday, August 14, 2007

OK, OK so I'm a control Freak

I had a long trip to take today and I gave myself a real talkin to. Decided I need to back off -- that my intensity about forcing Salinda to follow the rules is just making her more intense.

I've decided I'm just going to tell her that I'm not going to spend money on any extras for anyone who doesn't obey the rules. If she keeps sneaking out, I'm not going to try to find her any more.... but when she finally gets her attitude in gear, I'll wait a few days and then buy her a few things that she needs, but not everything.

I figure when her makeup runs out...we might get cooperation.

I had spent the night thing thinking about all kinds of ways to stop her. Call the police on her friends when they violate curfew, call friends parents, have conversations with friends, start confiscating her stuff..... I had plenty of good ideas.

But I'm not going to try to force her to stop. I could play real hard ball and win, but I think it would be at the risk of our relationship.... And at the risk of my sanity. I need to let go and get some sleep at night and just let her get what she gets.

I can't keep this up. Sleep deprivation is keeping from recovering from my cold and I need to just let it go. I think she'll come around. And if she doesn't, I guess I can't really stop her...

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