Monday, August 27, 2007

Oh Yeah!

I was reminded this morning by seeing that Bart had blogged that my first entry was supposed to be about Rand this morning. But NO! Bart beat me to it, writing almost exactly what I woud have..

It's amazing really the difference between Mike and Rand and today I can't help think about it. Rand and MIke both have FASD though Mike has been diagnosed. Mike's IQ is higher, but his FASD is probably more severe. And Mike's attachment issues are much more catastrophic.

But they've had the same parents -- Mike since he was almost 9, Rand since he was 11. They have been to most of the same schools, the same church, had access to the same people to be friends with.

But each person has to make good choices. Rand has, Mike hasn't. Whether or not Mike could help the choices he made, I don't know.

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