Monday, August 27, 2007

I Worked Today

I know I'm supposed to work every day, and I do. But usually during the summer it's a chaotic mess that may or may not be called "work" by most who define work.

BUt today I had a couple hours where almost everyone was busy doing somethign and I didn't get interrupted. And it was very nice to get things done.

But my early morning exercise released endorphin rush faded around 4 p.m. and now i'm just feeling tired and wondering why I got up so early.

Tonight I have a meeting as well. But Bart is doing Jr. High Orientation, so I have to love him for that. I prefer to stay as far away from Jr. High kids that do not belong to me as I can get.

large numbers of 13 year olds scare me.

and rightly so.

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