Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Rest of the Story

Well, to answer a few of my reader's questions, she has a 12:00 curfew on Friday night only. The rest of the week it is 11:00 in the summer, and 10:00 on school nights.

I called the cell phone and talked to her 3 times. I waited 20 minutes and then tried to call the cell again to let the guy with the cell know that whoever was driving better bring here home. Nothing.

So around 1 I turned my cell phone to silent, made sure the house phone was plugged in in case there was an emergency, and tried to go to sleep. DIdn't happen. As of 4:15 I was still lying there awake and no Salinda. I finally fell asleep and woke up again at 6:45. I noticed my cell phone had messages. One was from here at 2:13 calling me a "retard" which, though i don't like it that she uses it, is the name she uses for all of her best friend and her boyfriend when they are joking around. Apparently I had forgotten to tell Rand to leave teh door unlocked for her so when she got home at 2:13, the doors were locked.

Grant it, she could have rang the bell. But I'm sure she didn't want to "get yelled at." DUH, did you think I was going to THANK YOU for coming in at 2:13? So, at 2:17 there is another call saying she will be staying at a friend's house whose dad would bring her home first thing in the morning.

So, around 7:10 I hear her come in, but she doesn't tell me she's home. SO I go into her room only to let her know that I didn't lock her out and she should have rung the bell. I intimated that there would be consequences.

I'm still deciding what they will be for sure. One will be that she will not be given permission to hang out with the group of friends she was with again because they obviously knew I wanted her home and they had no regard for my rules or my wishes. She will lose the phone for several days which is like blocking a major artery for her -- and if she continues to be as nasty to me as she has been recently when I discipline her, I'm going to extend that. And I"m postponing driver's training, which is really going to hurt when everyone else her age is getting a permit.

It's difficult with her because right now I think she is teetering on completely blowing off all of the rules of our house like Mike and john did. Maybe she secretly hopes she'll get into foster care like John did, becuase it is widely known that there are many foster homes for teens in our area who basically have no rules.

She has never been on meds before but I'm scheduling some appointments. She's seemed quite depressed all summer -- sleeps way too much (I am constantly finding her asleep). Either she's depressed or she's sneaking out and gone all night and not getting caught, because nobody could sleep that much if they had a good night's sleep and weren't depressed.

Speaking of a good night's sleep, I got less than 3 hours and I have most of the kids alone today while Bart goes to meet his mom and pick up Tony ... I was thinking of school shopping with some of the kids.



  1. This sounds very familiar. We went through this in June. Right at the end of the school year.
    When I read your post the same red flags went up that we hoisted last June with our teenage daughter. Get a drug UA done. We were dead on. Positive for pot. Don't guess on this, get facts. a UA gives you facts. Plus if it is positive you come across as the all knowing Mom.

    Another cool thing is to go into their MySpace. I know your a Mac user, login to her account, hopefully you have the password for her account. In the utilities folder open keychain. If she uses keychain to keep her passwords, all will be in there.

    I was surprised how stupid kids are - what they'll put in writing. I was never that "retarded". And not just my "retards". Fighting, drinking, smoking, drugs you name it. You just have to decipher their "retard" language. Ight mai grrl.

    I love "retard" so much. I just can't get enough of it. At our home its used with "fatty" a lot.
    Ex: shut up fatty retard. Translation:
    I love you little brother.

  2. She doesn't get to have a My Space. Did that once, and it was not a good thing. She's hardly ever on teh comptuer because I have a program that records everything on there like a movie.

  3. The whole part about insisting that she'd come home at 2:00 a.m. struck out as weird. When my brother and I did that, it was often one of three situations:

    (a) it was a bargaining ploy. we really wanted to stay out till 1:00 a.m., but we thought we'd have more luck if we started out at 2:00 a.m. and worked our way down. either that or we hoped our parents would say, "well then just spend the night then; I don't want you to wake us up coming in." (though to be honest, that doesn't sound like the situation you're describing)

    (b) either we were drunk or our rides were drunk and wouldn't sober up in time to be in by curfew

    (c) we were in another town or somewhere else we weren't supposed to be and there simply was no way we'd be home in time, but we couldn't tell our parents why

    of course, there was also more run-of-the mill rule-breaking and defiant, with no elaborate strategizing involved.

    please feel free to ignore my a$$vice, as I've never actually been a parent of a teenager (or a parent at all, for that matter)
