Saturday, August 11, 2007

Blogging to Calm the Racing Heart

I could not fall asleep. I laid down at 10:30, but i couldn't sleep. Rand and Jimmy were out at a game, and Salinda was out with friends. I knew that Rand and Jimmy would wake us up around 11 and Salinda at 12, so I figured there would be no point in falling asleep to only be awakened twice.

So I decided to wait up for them. As predicted, JImmy and rand were home around 11:10. But at 12:10, still no Salinda. She calls. Says she's on her way home. I remind her that she needs to have been home 10 minutes ago. She can tell I am not happy with her already. So, obviously not having a brain, she calls five minutes later and asks to stay out until 2. No, not going to happen. So she argues with me. The rediculousness of it starts to horribly annoy me and my blood pressure starts to rise. I keep telling her that she needs to come home. She keeps saying she's not going to her. I warn her that she will not have permission to go out with those kids again if she does not come home as soon as possible. She ends the conversation with "Go to bed, you're cranky."

Oh, my GOSH. You better believe I'm cranky. I'm beyond cranky, dear. Now it's 12:20 and she is still not home. My heart is beating pretty heavily. And of courrse, my husband who can sleep through all stress, even though he heard the conversation is snoring away.

I will give her until 12:30 and then I will see if she is here (on nights like this she is known to sneak in because after she is rude to me she doesn't want to face me). If she is not, I will keep calling the cell phone until she comes home.

The sad thing is, we almost had a good day with her. Only one small scuffle at 4, but otherwise it was a good day. But of course, we can't make it a whole day with her.

I am beyond frustrated.... It will take me a very long time to go to settle down now for sure. And I was hoping to be asleep by now. I do not like blogging at 12:25 a.m....

1 comment:

  1. I hope this doesn't come across rudely, but why does she have such a late curfew? My 16 yo has a 12:00 curfew and only one night a week while visiting a friend's house only - therefore no dating. What is the punishment when she disobeys? That is my hardest thing - creative punishment. Also, do you live in a small town that she can come home safely by herself, or do the other parent's drop off?
