Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sometimes It's Just Best for Me To Shut My Mouth

I finished my training early but low and beyond MIke was at the church. I didn't ask him why. He wanted a ride here in order to eat. I brought him here and then made him come with me to pick up Salinda at tennis practice. He offered nothing, I said nothing. This is NOT an easy task for me. We then picked up Salinda. She said very little as well.

Sometimes it is just better to not talk to teens ... especially when the tone of my voice sends some kids reeling. So I sit in silence and wait for them to start conversation. When they don't I've finally learned that I feel too redicuous trying to talk to silent people who think I'm dumb. And with Mike, I know that if I start to talk I'm going to say stuff that he doesn't wnat to hear like "You realize that if you don't have $280 in 2 weeks you're going back to jail." He doesn't want to think about that, and me mentioning it isn't going to help him. I used to think that talking to him and reminding him helped, but it just didnt'. So now I try to shut up.

Funny, I just checked Bart's blog from this morning and he's thinking some of the same things.

Jimmy, Salinda and I are the only ones home tonight (and MIke, who is simply here to nap apparently -- Bart has 3 kids camping, Ricardo is at an amusement park with his soccer team and Rand is helping with the blood drive. I was planning on being home at 8, but got done early, so I have a sort of free evening. I will probably catch up on email, continue to organize photos, surf some blogs.... I feel like it's midnight but it's only 7:07.

This picture is 7 years old --


  1. It doesn't seem that long ago when I was a teen and I did appreciate it when my parents let us ride in silence and not lecture us while they had us "trapped in the car". It would take the pressure off of us and actually make us more susceptible to open up about a problem. You're doing a good job with these kids, no matter what they think now. :) BTW, where is Kyle in these last 2 pictures you've posted?

  2. By the time Kyle was 13 or 14 he was WAY to cool to be hanging out with our dumb family.... we don't have a lot of pictures of him as he was usually working or doing his own thing with friends. he got his first job at 14.
