Friday, August 24, 2007

Things Appear to be Changing

As far as I can tell, Salinda was in her room all night and up at 7:15 asking if she could go jogging. Much better than her usual sleep until 11:30 or 12 unless I wake her up (which I do if I'm home). She is happy to have her cell phone and asked for a friend to spend the night tonight. I agreed but reminded her that she was grounded and they would have to stay here. She only argued for 3 minutes instead of 30.

We haven't seen MIke. I did dream that he called me from a cell phone while I was driving and I realized that he was in a stolen van directly behind me. I was debating calling the cops.

Also dreamed that I dropped my Iphone and it almost got hit by a car. Dreamed that some of my friends I've known for 15 years were at the same conference I was and that one of them had shrunk until she only came up to my waste and everyone was trying to make me believe she had always been that short.

Hopefully by the end of today I will be able to report that Rand finally has a job and Jimmy finally has his permit. He's going to take his test for the 4th time today.

I am quite far behind on several work and home related things, but I'm continuing to plug away. Hopefully with Bart home today I'll get a little more done than when he is at work.

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