Thursday, August 23, 2007

Writing to Report NOTHING

That's what I've been able to accomplish all day. Now that I have a new phone, one of our lines is up for grabs. Salinda had her first attempt at a cell phone last year and it didn't go well.

Today she is finally ready to try again. There are many reasons why I want her to have a cell phone. One of them, though this may sound sinister, is that I want one more thing to be able to take away if she isn't obeying the rules. In addition, I can reach her at any time.

So, today I have been researching new plans (our company merged) and writing a contract for her to sign.

And I'm here to report that Alltel uses false advertising. Turns out that My Circle is really not My Circle at all.

Each ACCOUNT gets to pick 10 numbers that you call for free. Not each PERSON.

I spent a good three minutes explaining repetitively to the guy on the phone that it should be OUR CIRCLE not MY CIRCLE. He acknolwedged my point, but nothing will change.

My Circle. Right.

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