Monday, August 27, 2007

Where's Mike?

You know "Where's Waldo?" Well, tonight I played "Where's Mike" spinning around My Space for a half hour, looking at interesting, and not so interesting, vulgar, and not so vulgar profiles of teens who are either really lost and disgusting or pretending to be.

But I digress.

Apparently Mike is not in Mankato anymore, but I couldn't discern where he is. Apparently he let some people know where he was, but their profiles are set to private so I couldn't read them -- his however, is not so I could read their responses.

I'm glad I don't have to worry about him showing up at the house, but I am pretty sure he isn't going to show up for his court hearings. And that makes me nervous.

So, my son, if you're out there reading this, please don't forget you have court coming up. . . it's not going to be a good thing if you don't show.

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