Monday, August 27, 2007

Six Pizzas, Four People

Something weird happened tonight.

There's a local pizza place that was having a Monday night special on Medium pizzas. We did it about 3 weeks ago and it was great. So, Bart told me tonight we were going to do the same thing and asked me to order them. He said to get the same thing I did last time.

So, I was thinking that we spent $30 and that the pizzas were $5 each, so I must have ordered 6. So, I called in the order for six pizzas.

But then Salinda wasn't going to be here...and Dominyk helped himself to 4 leftover hamburgers when I was gone getting the pizza... and then the pizza wasn't going to be ready until an hour later than planned, so Bart and Tony had to leave before it was ready...

So four of us sat down to six pizzas.

And then, when I got them home and looked at the receipt, it turns out that the pizzas were six dollars each, not five, so when we spent $30 last time and had just enough for everyone, I had ordered five pizzas not six. And this time, not everyone is eating and we have six pizzas.

We could have invited another family over for dinner and had leftovers.

I'm not feeling quite up to speed at the moment, and neither is Bart and sometimes "not so great plus not so great equals something really stupid."


  1. Look at it this way, you have lunch all ready for tomorrow!

  2. I'll bet by late afternoon you have no pizza and happy kids. Nothing stupid about that!

  3. I would love to spend $30 on pizzas. We need at least 4 XLG ones and can't get it for less than $40 with buy one get one free coupons.

    I am really wondering how you managed to get so many out of the house at dinner time. Mine are attached to me physically when it gets close to time.
