Tuesday, September 11, 2007

And A BUUUUUUUUMPY couple hours after

Well, apparently it was just the calm before the storm. Where should I start. You know, I'm not even going to start. All the details are repetitive and not of interest to very many, but they included a swearing uncoopoerative 19 year old, a lying 15 year old, ineptitude on the part of both of those two, defiance on the part of a 14 year old, an extra long dentist appointment for a 12 year old, and several mishaps in kitchen, annoying the chef. It involved me getting yelled at several times by several people and me doing my share of yelling as well. Now that there is a break in the intensity I'm worn out.

I have never been at the point where my to do list is just too long for me to get it all done, but this week it has been. I usually manage to make do with the myriad of responsibilities I have and get them done, but this week it seems like I'm drowning and there isn't a tunnel's end, much less a light there. I'm sure this takes away from my patience.

I don't like this position. It makes me feel like a bad parent and a bad professional. But as always, I'll pull myself through.

And, supper was fine. Calm after the storm.

But boy, those storms....

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