Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Two Calm Nights in a Row (knock on wood)

Everyone was tired and asleep early again last night, us included. I did get up and get to the Y and posted a humerous anecdote about something stupid I did there on the dieting blog.

This morning I had to take 6 of the 7 kids living at home to school as Bart needed to be on campus by 7:00 and Bart had agreed to take him. Our old van has officially died (well, it has managed to have a repair needed that would cost more than the van is worth -- possibly double what it is worth) so we are down to two vehicles. This also meant that I needed to supervise the morning alone for the first time since school started and this year we've added sack lunch making to our routine, so I did that.

I was so proud of the kids. It could have been a horrible morning with all of them in the same vehicle, but everyone was patient and cooperative and we had nice conversation in the van.

Now I have a full schedule today, though nothing to whine about compared to Cindy's busy schedule that she posted about yesterday. I do have a phone call to make before 8:30, a conference call at 9, lunch at 11:30 with Bart and some fun friends, a 12:45 PCA interview, and another conference call at 2:00 which should take us to school being out and then we have a full evening at church tonight.

Better get going as my inbox is filling rapidly and my to-do list is growing.

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