Friday, September 14, 2007

Be Careful what you Wish For

If you read Kari's blog this morning you'll see that she wished she could have lunch with me. But it was not to happen because she was too busy and Bart and I had plans.

But Bart and I were not starting off on a good foot for our lunch. Kyle had done something stupid again, which always drives us nuts, and we were discussing how we might not be able to afford another vehicle. We had left the house after looking for the Title to the old van so we could give it to the people who tried to fix it in exchnage for $50. yeah, it was that bad.

So, our conversation was not headed in a celebratory direction until, lo and behold in walk Mike and Kari, who had no idea we were there.

They joined us I mentioned to Kari that her wish had come true. We had the waitress take a picture because we needed to blog that her wish had come true. We had so much fun. Well, I should say I did, I don't know about them. WE finished the meal with a piece of Oreo cake that got me off on a sugar line and I was borderline inappropriate and continued my train of thought not seeing the waitress come to the table, humiliating my husband and possibly Kari (she hit me pretty hard). It was a blast.

And, the fun thing is that we planned tomorrow night to celebrate our birthdays together (Kari's is in 10 days) so now we get to do it twice!

It was a wonderful surprise for me, but based on the humilation factor, maybe Kari is going to be more careful about what she wishes.

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