Friday, September 14, 2007

You Say It's your birthday, it's my birthday too

Cindy posted that it's Javy's 14th birthday -- Happy Golden Birthday, Javy!. I debated posting my birthday here as I try not to make a big deal out of it. My birthday and mother's day have caused more meltdowns than I care to remember. But I figured since I had almost 10 emails from complete strangers (spam, junk mail) wishing me a happy birthday, maybe I'd enjoy the comments wishing me one.

I'm 44 today. What a dumb age? Who wants to be 44? Of course, I've just finished being 43, which may be an even dumber age. At least 44 has a multiple of 11, which 43 doesn't.

Bart will take me out to lunch today. I'm refusing gifts, but since almost all of my polyester patns (yes, the red, grey, blue, and black ones) are either stained, ripped, painted on, or have bleach spilled on them) I'm agreeing to go to Shopko and buy some more, EVEN IF THEY AREN'T ON SALE. I hate buying clothes as I hate spending the money on myself and I don't really care what I wear, but I probably should not be out in public with pants with big bleach spots on them when I'm married to pastor of a church that almost had 300 people in attendance last Sunday. in some ways, you gotta play the role of pastors wife (just don't expect me to be seen in the kitchen).

This morning I'm going to see how much I can get done.....

And though I was tempted to skip the YMCA and use my birthday as an excuse, I did make it to the YMCA this morning.


  1. Well, even though you don't want it . . . .Happy Birthday Claudia. You conitnue to inspire all of us so keep sharing your life with us. I have enjoyed "getting to know you" over the past year or so. Thanks for your honesty,your wit and your information. Have a great day!

    Congrats for the exercise streak, maybe you'll inspire me to do that as well. . . okay, probably not. LOL

  2. Happy Birthday, Claudia!

  3. Happy Birthday Claudia. It sounds like you had a great birthday lunch!
