Wednesday, September 19, 2007


There may be bored individuals in this world. Other than my own children, I don't know very many bored people. But I am literally a person who is thrilled and happy with nearly everything I have to do .... I just do not have time to fit it all in. Here is a glimpse of what needs to happen for me today...

A large packet of paperwork for Jimmy's next IEP meeting that needs to be completed;
Scrapbooks for each of our new boys need to be completed and mailed to TX;
Need to set up a meeting to discuss John's future with the county;
Need to figure out a way to get all of Mike's court paperwork to him;
Almost 100 emails to respond to, answer or file;
Need to compile survey's from our new church service and get those into a database.

Those are things that need to happen off the top of my in addition to parenting ten kids and doing two jobs (of course the 100 emails are mostly my jobs).

And I always want to be spending time blogging, learning more about how to do things better on my Mac or in photoshop or with podcasting or video editing....

I would love to do a podcast of some of us who blog, interviewing them, etc, but I just can't fit one more thing in. And there is that book that we have written and can't seem to finish editing....

But if I had to choose between bombarded with things I want to do or bored with nothing to do, I always prefer bombarded. And I think most of you do too.

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