Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Exhausting Day

it was a fine day, but an exhausting one. For some reason I did not sleep well las night yet still got up early to go to the YMCA. Then I spent the whole day either driving, visiting with John, discussing things with Salinda, or all of the above. Also had a visit and an ortho appt for Salinda that lasted all of 3 minutes. She doesn't have to go back for a year.

The few minutes before our departure, as Bart writes here were less than fun and there were moments of the day which were quite difficult, but I did survive.

Tonight I worked on the edited famiy picture and it is all I got done other than spending some time helping kids with homework and listening to Dominyk's now nightly obsessive meltdown about going to the store.

I am so tired right now.... am hoping for a better nights sleep.

Check out the poll regarding this family picture that I did.... added the new boys and am thinking about putting it in their scrapbook.

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