Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Calm Night

Last night was quite calm. Dominyk fell asleep completely clothed (including shoes) before 8:15. Tony, exhausted to the point of metldown tears, was finally convinced to settle down around 9:00. Salinda was home and doing homework and even she was asleep before 11, which is unusual because she is a night owl. Bart and I had our lights out at 10:00. And nothing happened to wake us up all night long!.

Mike has reappeared on his My Space, so apparently he had a short jail stint or he was just away from the internet. He is now putting out feeings to try to get even farther away from Mankato. He has a hearing on Monday which we don't know if he will show up for. We have not heard anything from him since about August 30th.

My plan yesterday to set a schedule for myself worked fairly well for about an hour and then it started to get crazy with instant messages, phone calls, etc., so it didn't quite work out as planned. Then Kari invited me out to lunch and I was gone the rest of the day, so I sure didn't get much done after that. However, I'm going to try again today and see how well it works.

Tony is having such a hard time surviving school. When I dropped him off this morning I told him to try to find one good thing that happened today to tell me about after school. As he was leaving the van he said, "Well, here's the first BAD thing. It's cold and I have to walk all the way around the building." I just smiled and laughed to myself about human nature and how we can often see the bad so much more quickly than we see the good.

And I won two of my dieting battles for today already this morning.

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