Monday, September 10, 2007

Off and Running

If someone sat behind my all day long while I am at my desk I think that they would probably be insane at the end of the day. I manage to get most things done, but I switch tasks every 3-5 minutes and I am starting to drive myself crazy. Even though I accomplish a ton of stuff, probably more than most people do in a day, the way I am doing it is probably not best.

So today I am going to try something different. I am home for 5 hours today before having to leave for a home visit, and I am going to attempt to make a schedule for myself as to what I will do for each of those hours. I'll let you know about my progress.

And I'm sticking up a poll for you to respond to. You know, it's anonymous, so you don't have to be diplomatic (like the one about whose hair looked better -- everyone was so nice and non-committal.....)

And on this poll you can select more than one response....

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