Sunday, September 02, 2007

Control Freaks Parenting Teens Anonymous (otherwise known as CFPTA)

Hi, my name is Claudia and I'm a control freak. It's been 58 minutes since my last "control freak' episode.

Parenting teens is difficult when you're a control freak because you can only control teenagers to a certain extent.

Being an adoptive parent to several kids with mental health issues and a pastor's wife simultaneously can be a very difficult endeavor. It's a good thing that I've never been a person who cared much about what other people thought, because this would kill me.

This morning, I'm sitting in church in the 4th row behind Dominyk who declares, too loudly for my liking, that he "hates communion." A few minutes later Salinda goes up for communion and I realize that she has taken the skirt that I almost didn't buy because I thought it was too short and cut it even shorter. The alteration job was quite ammateur and it looks terrible. And of course this is the week where we stand at the alter while communion is served so that everyone had a good 2 minutes to stare at my daughters butt.

I have, of course, the desire to charge up from my seat and run up an stand behind her, or cover her with the large print hymnal or something, but I have to sit there. Thus, my contorl freak episode.

All I could do then was to let her know that she was not wearing the skirt to church again and to remind her that when I purchased something, it wasn't my expectation that she would alter it the next day.

But I have to let some stuff go and that's not easy for me. But I am trying and I hope that counts for something.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia, that's one of the things Megan does to her clothes too! And the cutting job looks so bad, let alone like a hooker! It makes me so angry. You must have had steam coming out of your ears!
