Sunday, September 02, 2007

Which End of the Night Will I Lose Sleep?

This morning I found Salinda coming out of the bathroom fully dressed (without shoes) at 6:30 a.m. She says she fell asleep in her clothes. She defnitely could be telling the truth or she definitely could have been out all night. I have no idea which is the case. I checked her cell phone history and if she was out all she was doing is talking on the phone. But there are other indicators that possibly she was out. I won't go into my whole detective "findings of fact" report, but the conclusion is that I don't know. So I have to just trust her to be telling the truth and move on.

But even though I could have slept until almost 8 this morning, that was the end for me. So I lose sleep on this end -- but she was here last night and I fell asleep at 10:30, so I guess it's ok. I got eight hours.

I find it interesting that my blog is almost always filled with whoever is at the top of my radar at the time. For a year after I started blogging Salinda made it to the headlines about as many times as Sadie or Ricardo or Jimmy do now. She was low on the radar, always pleasant, doing what she was supposed to do, not causing any trouble. And then boom, this summer she's the topic of half the posts.

I hope that when school starts I can sort out my thinking enough to make the blog more balanced -- to show the humorous and fun side of our lives as well as the difficult challenges. But between Salinda and Mike, this summer has been an emotionally taxing one.

If i can just get them all to go to school. Hopefully I won't have internet trouble on the first day back like I did in 2004. That was a nightmare -- all ready to get to work, and no internet. I still remember the frustration and it's been 3 years.

We're off to church now.... Hopefully everyone will be ready.

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