Saturday, September 08, 2007

Didn't Realize How Much I Missed This

When we lived in Luverne, I got to use the right side of my brain to get ready for our new worship service. Designing videos, messing with photos, being creative... it was a lot of fun.

But last year I didn't get to do that because we had two identical traditional services. Starting tomorrow, though, we are going to be starting "New Worship" -- not only a contemporary experience, but a unique one.

So I spent my day, and part of yesterday, figuring out how to do a few things I needed to know for tomorrow. And tomorrow I will get to do a few more things after church to hopefully get the sermon online.

I even took a couple minutes to make a video of one of Ricardo's tackles this morning. But it is not quite available yet on Google for you to see... (and I used a MICROPHONE for all of you who want to hear my voicer louder than ever).

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