Saturday, September 08, 2007

Guess Who Lost My Business?

OK, UTube. If Google Videos does a better job, quess who just lost my business?

And everyone else who has long awaited this pathetic three minutes, can you see me now? How about now? Now?


  1. I can see you! Yeah! It works! Good job, too--one thing though, it is still hard to hear you talking. The music is plenty loud, but your voice is so teeny tiny Claudia, and that is so not you!! ha ha Woops, I meant your personality is not teeny tiny!

  2. Same here. Could hear the music but not you, even after I turned it way up.


  3. yes i saw it! definitely the voice is quiet.

  4. I was able to see the video and hear you, though the music track really blasted and I had to turn it down. When you came on, then I had to turn the volume back up.

    Hooray that it works, and hooray for silence.

    As for putting kids in high school, we've decided to home school because our middle and high schools are so sick on so many levels that we don't want our kid going there.

  5. I see you! I really do. But the voice is super quiet.

    We are now comitted to home-schooling the Jr. High years (when they come around again) because of how difficult it is for the kids. Even my classroom learning, well adjusted kids. I can't imagine my two little one doing it and surviving.
