Sunday, September 30, 2007

Enjoying a Brief Respite

One of the things I learned a few years ago was that when you have a child who causes stress in your home get "locked up" you take the break while you can. Instead of stressing about the lock up, you focus on getting rested up to face the future.

So, Bart and I napped this afternoon while we had friends taking care of Tony and the other kids keeping an eye on Dominyk.

I talked to Salinda this afternoon. She was sniffling, but offered no apology and still states she wants to live elsewhere.

I guess one night in JDC hasn't made an impact.


  1. I am sorry that you are going through this. I worry this is the same place we will be with our daughter in a few years.

  2. Aw Claudia, I am sorry to hear this news about Salinda. I am sure you are exhausted physically and emotionally... sigh... I will be praying for you all.
