Monday, September 03, 2007

Enough Joy for the Day

Sometimes you just need one thing a day to give you enough joy to make it through. I just got my small piece of joy.

The kids have been driving me nuts today with endless questions. I am going to relay to what happened today so that you can see why I finally had a mini outburst which led to my moment of joy. I was in Walmart and Jimmy and Sadie and Ricardo were with me and for some reason Sadie and Jimmy were asking me endless questions. Their lives apparently are so empty, meaningless and boring that every small tidbit of information to them is precious and necessary to know.

I was standing in the men's aisle purchasing boxers yet again. I was tempted to explain to all of you why I had to buy yet more boxers, but I think my husband would say that it was inappropriate or he would call me a "blog whore" who will do anything for readership.

So, I am in the aisle and Jimmy walks up and says to me, as he sees me picking up boxers and looking at the size, "Mom, what are you buying?"



OK, what do you think I'm buying.


Yeah, boxers.

Two minutes later Sadie walks up and says, "Mom, what are you buying?"

"Do you really need to know?" I say as I pick up another package and look at sizes.

We then pay and go out to the van and as we're driving back home Sadie opens the bag and says, "Mom, did you buy boxers?"

To which I responded, "No. Those are roses. I'm going to give them to Dad for our anniversary next June."

And since this had to have been the 146th stupid question I have answered to day, I finally lost it said something like, "I do not know why you guys have such pathetic and boring lives that you have to know every single little detail about everything that ever happens in everyone elses life."

And Ricardo, who has not asked me a single question all day long, chooses to use two of the 100 words he will use today and says, "I don't."

"You're right, Ricardo, you don't. And I love you for that."

And, using two more of his 100 words and knowing that his response is hilarious he says with a twinkle in his eye, "Thank you."

And I laughed out loud and knew that right there I got enough joy to make up for the rest of this long, annoying day.

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