Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ten Free Minutes

Was at the Y by six and if you care to see how much I've lost you can click here. Please don't think I'll be offended if you don't care. I wouldn't care if I were you and you were me. Well, actually, that's not true. Because you being you might care about other people. But if I were me, and you were me, I wouldn't care, because I don't care that much if someone weighs 276 or 274. But I digress.

Salinda was quite stressed out this morning. Up by 5;45 to be ready to leave by 7, crabby and nervous. Didn't have time for a "first day of school picture" in the house, so the Iphone took it in the van. (See, just gotta have an Iphone). Her friend spent the night, which eased the pain, but I must admit that having a brother like Tony would stress me out to no end if I were a 9th grade girl. He set his alarm so he could be up this morning simply, I promise you, to annoy the heck out of his older siblings on their first day of school. He did an excellent job. Annoyed me plenty as well.

Jimmy wasn't nearly as nervous as he really takes most things in stride.

I asked Salinda if she wanted me to call the school and talk to them about the girls who have been harrassing her the past month, and she said she wanted to wait and see how things went. WIthin 15 minutes she had called to ask me to let the school know that it had begun, which I actually did. Hopefully her day will go better.

And now I have 3 conferences and school pictures back to back at the elementary. I imagine the rest of the day is going to be irritating as the kids have nothing to do. I was thinking of taking them to a movie, but there are no PG movies in town that they haven't seen. Maybe I'll be lazy and rent a couple.

Problem is that a lot of folks are going to be back at work and wanting me to be on top of my game, but they'll just have to hold out until Thursday.

Now I'm off to conferences.

In case you haven't seen it yet, Bart blogged a little more about how our family system works on his blog last night.

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