Sunday, September 16, 2007

Heavy Sigh

I told Bart around 3:30 that I had 7 hours of work to do at the desk. Well, it's not quite been 7, but it's been 5 and a half and i'm not through.

Was interrupted by trips to pick up people and drop them off, as well as a report that Tony had been punched by one of Mike's friends while he was walking home. Apparently the guy stopped the car and walked up to him and punched him in the face a couple times. I'm not sure what that is all about and I'm not sure we'll get to the bottom of it.

Mike called to find out if we knew when his sentencing hearing was tomorrow. I told him the time. Apparently he is planning to go.

I'm tired. Have a few more things to do ... several people around here are a little crabby, myself included, so it will be nice to call it a day.

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