Monday, September 17, 2007

Nasty in the Morning

It should be the title of Salinda's Radio Show. She has been doing much better than this summer, that I can't even compare it, but a great deal of this is due to the fact that she has been put on a level system where she has much more freedom than others but greater responsibility. So far, three weeks into the year, she has been able to keep up with everything she is responsible for, but it's starting to get to her. She isn't getting enough sleep, she is focusing on her social life and not studying enough. So far, she's managed, but now it's coming time for tests and she isn't prepared. Her homework has been nearly all perfect scores but she has a test today and she did not study enough.

So, after a pretty decent workout at the YMCA I came home feeling good. Until I tuned in to "Nasty in the Morning" by talking to her htis morning. Too bad Cindy has already coined the term Viper Girl because Salinda so fits that description. And I'm in no mood to be a snake charmer.

Now I'm a little off track for the morning and I have much to do. So I guess I better get moving...

1 comment:

  1. I also have a "viper girl" who also happens to be 14. She can be sooo sweet and helpful but when she's nasty, look out. I also can't figure out what will set her off. Just letting you know that I feel for you!
