Thursday, September 06, 2007

I Get Knocked Down

First day of school pictures for those who started today ...

But they have nothing to do with this post.

I just visited with a family that had a big disappointment in regards to adoption. We talked for a while, and on the way out the Dad was telling me all kinds of positives that had come out of the experience of NOT getting the child they probably aren't getting.

And my visit with them convinced me more than ever that they have what it takes to adopt from the system. Why? Because "they got knocked down, but they'll get up again."

If you have that characteristic, you can do this. If you've read our blogs (Bart has blogged again this morning about something totally unrelated) you know that we get knocked down. A lot. Not often literally, but almost daily in some way.

But you know what? We get back up again. And as long as we get back up one more time than we've been knocked down, we'll make it.

So I think if someone asks me what one of the most important characteristics a person needs to adopt troubled kids, I'd say it is this: If they get knocked down, they get up again. If you read any of the blogs listed on the side of mine, you'll see that these people have that characteristic.

And even though this song is about drinking, which I in no way want to promote or condone, the words have been pounding through my head:

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down...

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