Thursday, September 06, 2007

Why My Blog Is An Excellent Recruitment Tool

After this summer, I am seeing how my blog can be an excellent recruitment tool for people who are thinking they might want to adopt.

It isn't because I am painting a pretty picture of adoption.

And it isn't even because of my once-in-a-while good posting when I write with passion.

It's because I"m entirely honest and completely pathetic. When someone reads my blog during times of stress they can see that i there are days when I am whiny, selfish, impatient, angry. There are times when many of you read my blog and certainly disagree with my parenting style. You see the way Bart and I have made choices and many of them are ones you wouldn't make.

I bet there are even times when you are amazed at my immaturity.

And this is why it is a great blogging tool. Because people have got to read this and think, "If she can do it, ANYBODY can do it."

The Ad Council Adoption Ads for adoption (there are links to them here) has a great ad camppaign -- "You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent." There are many teenagers who would put up with imperfections to have a family.

So, as many times as you have thought "Wow, she is such a dork," remember -- it may just be that the fact that I can do it means many more will realize they can.

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