Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's Gonna Be a Happy Day

Well, it's 8:08 and I am content. I have been to the YMCA, I have gotten my children happily off to school, and I am sitting down to a day at my desk with no meetings scheduled, a full email in box, and a long to do list. But everything in my world at this moment is OK. And so for this moment I rejoice.

Salinda started at the new high school this morning and seemed quite happy to be doing so. She is making a decision on her own to stay away from some of the kids who were a bad influence on her and hopefully she'll make new friends and stick to her decision. I realize that I can't force her to make good choices, but it's fun to see her at least internalizing a few of the billion words I speak to my children every week.

Thanks to those who posted a response for Kyle for the ADHD project. You can still do that (please).

I'm looking forward to getting some things done today and (knock on wood) to a hassle free day.

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