Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Quote from a Blog Where I Lurk

Another UM Pastor, a colleague of my husband's, is a great writer and so I lurk on her blog. I'm not even sure knows I read hers and I don't think she even knows about mine. But she is also an adoptive parent, and a birth parent of a child with special needs, and often a fabulous and talented communicator. So, today I read her post which ended on such a touching note.

She wrote, and I quote:

And then he kissed me and I went downstairs to cry because I have such a beautiful life and the only real problem is that there is so much of it.

This is how I feel even on bad days. The only real problem is that I have so much life I can't get to it all. I love all the pieces of my life... but I seldom feel I can get to it all.

1 comment:

  1. I found you today, Claudia! Of all days, and thank you for your lovely comments. Oh, I bet you do feel that way, too. I was thinking about how frustrated I get trying to keep up and how hard it is to be a parent sometimes and then my child goes and is absolutely a revelation of God to me, like he was last night.
    Blessings to you!
