Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's Quiet, But Not For Long

24 hours from now I will be sitting here, sighing heavily at the thought that all of my kids are going. Now watch, because Murphy lives here and I typed that, something weird is going to happen. Oh well, at least I can anticipate the joy even if it never comes.

Three of the kids are in school and Tony is at his conference (Bart took him). Tony had such a bad day yesterday that we're getting quite concerned for him. Left the house without permission, made up several lies, stole money twice in 24 hours.... maybe it's just anxiety about Jr High, but, if it is possible, it seems that his defiance, mouthiness, cussing, threatening and aggressive behaviors have increased.

Three kids are still in bed, and I am alone.

I got up at 5:50 this morning to head to the YMCA. You can read about how that went, in addition to one of my self discipline theories and an explanation of what Bart and I do every night before going to bed here. (Now if that doesn't get you to click over, I don't know what will.

Maybe he is write. Maybe I am a blog whore. ;-)

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