Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Stay Tuned....

Well, so far today things have not been as bad as anticipated. Bart had Tony at the office this morning and has Dominyk this afternoon. Tony is doing something outside right now and I'm having some quiet time. I think Sadie and I are the only ones here.

Salinda called at noon ... says she hates it there, but she's been fine since this morning. Already making plans for after school.

I still am amazed at her lack of the ability to make the connection between her disobeying us this summer and hanging out with guys 3 years later and the fact that all the girls in those grades now hate her. Duh.

But stay tuned, for the next episode of life at the Fletcher family...

Will Salinda make it through today at school with no more drama?

Will Mike get arrested this week?

Will Rand remember which class he has?

Will Tony's siblings seriously injure him when they just can't take his taunting any more?

Will Claudia lose it before school starts?

Will Dominyk be able to make it without a full time paraprofessional next to him this year?

Will Kyle finish all his classes so he can student teach next semester?

Will Sadie be able to focus at all in school while she's being the class social butterfly?

Will Ricardo finally figure out phonics and get past a second grade reading level?

Will John move be moved from the Ranch where he's doing so well?

All good questions. All things I have no answer for. And all reasons to keep reading the soap opera of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives!"
