Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Off and Running

Back from the Y and heading to see John, have a postplacement visit, and take Salinda to the orthodontist. We'll be in the car together for 6 hours. I hope she isn't in one of her viper girl moods or it's going to be a looooooong day.

Sadie is wearing herself too thin and had quite a meltdown last night. Really sad to see her so out of control when it doesn't usually happen. But she's staying up to late and getting up and ungodly hours just to straighten her hair. We had a long conversation last night and hopefully she'll see what is up. I send her to bed but she stays up and then gets up early without permission.... I tried to explain to her that the world wouldn't end if your hair wasn't straight in sixth grade.

I have more to write, but don't have the time. More later.

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