Sunday, September 23, 2007

One of the Reasons Why I Love My Husband

Seeing that I really needed to rest, Bart took Tony and Dominyk and went on a short day trip ... should be gone at least 4 hours. This was after leading two worship services and preaching two sermons and sitting in my Sunday School class. I know he is going to be exhausted. But I had a great nap and I love him for giving me that. He still won't be home for a couple of hours.

He said, as he left, "you owe me" but I figure that dealing with Salinda is pay backs enough. I am assuming she is just boycotting returning home, but there is always that mother piece of me that is worrying. It's not a big piece any more, she is our third child that would disappear and refuse to come home for hours or days at a time, but there is that sense of worry. It's only been 6 hours since she was supposed be somewhere, but I the whole thing is emotionally exhausting.

I think I'm going to just outline her consequences in writing and not even try to talk to her tonight. I'm waiting to talk to Rand as well as he is blowing it too in several ways.

But the whole thought of dealing with her almost paralyzes me sometimes. She is really horribly difficult in the way she handles things. She gets herself into minor trouble and without exception continues to dig herself into a deeper and deeper hole. I just looked at the cell phone bill and she is so far over again (after only having the phone one month) that she will not be able to pay it. And her phone has become her life. Maybe she realized she couldn't conrol herself and that's why she gave me the phone back. I have to study the bill and call the company becuase there is some stuff on there I never heard of, but she exeeded her minutes again by a whole lot. Her hole now is very deep and she won't get out of it for a very long time.

I guess I should be grateful for the three weeks of relative good behavior we did get to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Having a child who won't come home is emotionally exhausting.

    We went through that with one of our boys and I kept thinking about asking for respite. It seemed strange since he was never home anyway, but I wanted a weekend where it wasn't my problem that he wasn't home.
