Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why I haven't Blogged

Cindy is hollerin' cuz I haven't blogged but as, she would say, "I told y'all I was going to boy scout camp."

I actually survived boy scout camp. I have plenty to blog about it -- my waking hours were an fantastic experience. But my "sleeping" hours were just as predicted....

And, for those of you who know me, you will realize that this is quite an accomplishment. I did not go online, either on my computer or on my phone, for 40 hours. i didn't even have my cell phone in my pocket. I did it cold turkey and there were actually some perks to the whole thing.

Boys Scout Mom's Camp was awesome and Tony and I had a great time, but I dreaded coming home to the Salinda mess... and rightly so. She didn't show up to church this morning after spending the night at a friends (which she knew I wouldn't allow, but since I wasn't answering my phone, Bart let her try it). The number she gave me from the girls place is temporarily disconnected and of course, I have her cell phone, which it looks like I may have for some time now.

I am tired of her drama and I'm tired period from not sleeping much this weekend. But I have a lot to post.

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