Sunday, September 09, 2007

So sorry..

I thought I had blogged a little this morning, but apparently i didn't...

The kids were fine before church, but I was having more tech challenges in getting ready for the new worship service this morning and didn't get anything posted....

Dominyk, because of a change in routine, decided he didn't want to be in church today. While I was running around trying to get my powerpoint and DVDs set up in the back and the video camera set up in the front, he was following me crying and chanting, "Can't I please just go to the van? I don't want to go to church? Please?" about 10,000 times. It was annoying, but we made it throuugh.

And, for those of you who care, by the end of the day I hope to be giving you a link where you can either watch my husband preach via video, or download him to hear on your Ipod. How cool will that be?

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