Sunday, September 09, 2007

Well, It's finally Here

I spent the day making sure that Bart's Sermon was available both as a movie and as a podcast.

So, if you've ever read his blog and thought "Wow, I bet he can preach," now you can find out for yourself. And, though he didn't speak, you can hear Dominyk clicking things all through the service...

We've had a fairly mellow day. Other that Dominyk having a complete meltdown this morning before church, everyone has been in pretty good spirits. Even Salinda. Whew.

School again tomorrow. Oh YES!


  1. I love Barts preaching. Yes I am biased as I consider him a dear friend. Would be nice if you could get better sound somhow... I takeit that the mic was just sitting in the room? Could hear the echos etc. Regardless is great to hear his sermon. If this was available every week I would listen!

  2. I would love to hear Bart weekly!Count me in!
