Tuesday, October 23, 2007

And Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

We have heard nothing from home and that's the way we like it. When we started leaving town together several years ago, we started this practice and it seems to work fairly well. Nobody calls unless it is an emergency and we don't call unless there is one. It works well because they aren't anxious about when we'll call and we aren't either. We also would have a hardtime making sure that everyone was called an equal number of times as it would become a competition and they are staying in several different places.

SO, all is well.

Today there is a planning meeting to determine what will happen with Salinda. I have given more than enough input, so I just have to sit back now and trust the professionals, which historically has not been easy. I think I'm finally figuring out that there is little I can do except wait and find out. Sure, I'll continue to express opinions, but I realize that within the confines of the system both financially and with rules and regulations, what I think is best may not always be possible.

So, we're off for a day of fun. I may Twitter a little during the day from my phone...

1 comment:

  1. Claudia and Bart,
    Congratulations on your new boys. They are adorable!!
    I'm praying for Salinda.
    Julie in Missouri
