Tuesday, October 23, 2007

An Hour of Nintendo, Ten Hours of Sleep

After an hour of hotel Ninetendo, the boys willingly went to bed about ten. I don't think they realized how tired they are -- it is emotionally exhuasting to meet people who you are going to live with for the rest of your lives. It is scary and overwhelming and exciting and fun all at the same time. They are still asleep and are just as adorable asleep as awake, if not more so (but aren't all kids?)

I think we have passed the initial test with Leon and therefore we are fine with Wilson. Wilson follows Leon's lead and now that Leon has decided we're OK, Wilson is happy too. Leon is a very bright insightful young man, not overbearing or loud, but certainly talkative, curious and paying attention to everything. He has asked a lot of questions and seems to think that things are going to be OK. Wilson is very quiet but just adorable and ocassionally will ask a question that shows he hasn't missed a beat in the conversation.

The weather has cleared up -- it is still chilly for Texas (50s) but the high is supposed to be 65 and the sun is shining. So the boys will get their SpeedZone dream...

Bart flies out at 5:30 this afternoon, so I'll take him to the airport and then the boys and I will have an early supper. The boys will return to their foster home tonight in time for me to finish up my presentation that I give tomorrow and Thurdsay. Thursday night I will take the boys and their two older siblings who are not legally free for adoption out for supper. Friday I fly home to clean house and get rooms ready for the arrival of everyone on the 30th.

If all of life was as good as the honeymoon, nobody would ever stop adopting. We're pretty grounded in reality, but we still aren't depriving ourselves of all of the joy that comes with these first few days just because we know things won't always be this perfect. This is just too fun.

1 comment:

  1. If the older siblings become available, will you consider adopting them as well?
