Monday, October 22, 2007

Dinner and a Movie, but Not in That Order

We saw The Game Plan, a movie about a dad falling in love with the daughter he never knew he had. It was a great demonstration of how you can fall in love with a child very quickly. We then had dinner out and now the boys are happily playing video games in the hotel room while Bart and I catch up on some online stuff we need to do.

Tomorrow we're hoping it doesn't rain. The boys are hoping for go-carts, mini golf, and Joe's Crab Shack...

Here are some shots of us tonight.

The boys at the movie

Wilson with his new Dad (this kind of shows just how tiny he is (Wilson, not Bart)

Leon with the other new Dad (yes the haircut is still bothering me)


  1. It's a nice haircut. Very butch. Nice. :)

  2. You gave Bart and I a good laugh.

    But trust me, "Butch" was not the look I was hoping for.

  3. I am so excited for you, that might sound silly but I am! They are so adorable.

    and the haircut doesn't look *that* bad :)


  4. I like the new haircut, it looks easy. Wash and wear.
