Thursday, October 04, 2007


Last night Tony started begging me to go to church at Adam's church. Adam is one of the Kari's as Dominyk so affectionately calls them. I explained to Tony that he could visit their church but not on Sunday mornings.

Why not?

Because we go to our church on Sunday mornings.


Because that is our family policy.


Well, part of it is because Dad is the pastor.

But I'm not a Christian.

You're not?

No, I'm not a Christian, I'm a Lutheran.

Laughing, I grabbed the phone to call Kari, my favorite Lutheran, to tell her the news. As I was telling her, Tony, not getting the humor, was getting more and more frustrated until he was yelling in the background.

I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN. I AM A LUTHERAN over an over again as we laughed harder and harder.

Gotta love him.


  1. I'm your favorite Lutheran?! Ahhh, I'm touched. ~Kari

  2. At one point in my life I attended a church which shared the building with another. One was a Lutheran Congregation and the other was Disciples of Christ. The name of the disciples congregation was, "Our Town Christian Church."

    Everyone got along very well. There were lots of joint services and potlucks. We often joked that it was getting so that you couldn't tell the Lutherans from the Christians.
