Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Marathon NIghts of Homework

Salinda, to her credit, is very motivated to catch up with all the school she has missed. Tonight it involved 3 hours of my time. Then I "helped" Sadie on an assignment that, if she would have been cooperative, would have taken 3 minutes. But instead, took over an hour. I don't know what the deal is with that lately....

So, tonight has been a marathon night of homework. And I'm tired. But I've enjoyed my time with a very cooperative Salinda. And hopefully this pattern will continue.

Bart has been gone all evening at the laundromat dealing with the never ending saga of the washing machine.... and his day was spent with more insurance claims (they are considering the car Mike stole "totalled") and fraud claims (the used credit card).

Tomorrow we have so many appointments that we're both going to be tied up.

But I'd rather be very busy and not having the stress of last week than bored with it...

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