Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Never at My Desk

I like to live at my desk. It's my favorite place. I know you think I'm a sicko, but it's me. I love my computer and all it does and I love my small 8 x 10 space. I often share it with several always growing-ever-so-larger children/preteens/teens and we do stuff in here. We laugh, we do homework, we joke around, we take silly pictures, we argue, we fight (well, they fight with each other), we look at stuff online together, and I work.

But lately it seems I'm never here. Today there was a late school start and after that I had a meeting to do endless paperwork with an AWESOME worker at the county who is an adoptive parent. We worked and then (shhh don't tell anyone) visited for a while, taking time neither of us could afford. It was a great time.

But now there are only 2 hours before school is out again and we start the homework routine. Yesterday I literally spent 3.5 hours doing homework with various individuals. Fortunately, Salinda offered to help one of the younger kids or it would have been longer.

Speaking of Salinda, it was great to have her home last night. She was acting like the person I remember from over a year ago .. helpful, pleasant, engaged with her siblings, and active family member. Hopefully it's genuine, but even if it isn't it is fun to see that she is able to fake that kind of behavior.

Well, I must get to work. I'm finally at my desk and have loads to do.

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